Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thing 14: Technorati

I checked out Technorati, and although the site seemed to have a few gremlins (broken links, search tool not working, etc.), I was able to complete the Discovery Exercise tasks.

Learning 2.0 seems to be very popular with libraries across the country, as my searches produced several results. It stands to reason that programs such as these are popular in the field of education, as well as other enterprises and firms. The farther along I work toward the 23rd Thing, the more I am impressed by the melding of these new technologies with the demand for continuous training.

To try out the search tool, I entered the first thing that came to mind: "Optimus Prime." I didn't find any blogs or posts, but I was able to find a whole slew of videos and pictures, including one of Prime and Megatron duking it out in a snowball fight. On a more serious note, I then tried searching for my chosen field, "Urban Planning." I found quite a few blogs, such as, which I hope to check out more extensively later.

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